Token-Manager Pallet

The Token-Manager Pallet is designed for managing tokens and handling token operations within a Substrate-based blockchain. This pallet facilitates various features, including secure token transfers, scheduling of token “lowering” operations to Ethereum (tier1), and interaction with external token contracts. It also enables the governance of token-related actions through nonces and proofs, ensuring a seamless operation between blockchain tiers.

Key functionalities:

  • Token Balance Management: Tracks the balances of individual accounts for different tokens. This allows the management and querying of token balances by specifying the token ID and account ID. Each account’s nonce is tracked, representing the number of transfers conducted, ensuring the integrity of transaction sequences.

  • Lowering Operations: Supports “lowering” tokens from tier2 to tier1, interfacing with an Ethereum contract. This operation can be executed directly or scheduled for later execution. Lowering operations require confirmations and signatures, with proof requirements verified before sending transactions, ensuring secure, authenticated transfers.

  • Proof and Transaction Management: Handles proofs for token transfers, including the ability to regenerate proofs for pending or failed lower transactions. Stores and retrieves data about lower transactions in various states: ready-to-claim, pending, and failed, providing robust tracking and error recovery mechanisms.

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