Recommended Security Settings

Running a validator node requires raised awareness of host and node security as authorities are a main attack surface to disturb operation of the blockchain. The following security rules are strongly recommended:

  • No services are permitted to run on the same host that are not part of the validator node package

  • All incoming connections on all ports except SSH (22/tcp) and the P2P (30303/tcp, udp) port have to be firewalled on the host with DROP rules. To guarantee proper network etiquette, incoming ICMP has to be accepted.

  • SSH access is only allowed for non-root users

  • SSH access is only allowed through RSA keys

  • Nethermind client RPC endpoints (HTTP, WebSocket) have to be disabled

  • System updates have to applied regularly and in a timely manner

  • Regular (monthly) run of rootkit detectors

  • If you are using AWS please also check out the additional AWS Security guide.

Last updated