How To Transfer EWT from a Validator Node

Disclaimer: This page documents the use of an unofficial tool; while it is commonly used by validators, it wasn't professionally audited and comes with no guarantees whatsoever. Use the validator tool, Docker image, NPM package, and following guide at your own risk.


  1. Check Docker Image, NPM Package

    1. Github Repo of ewf-validator-tool

    2. NPM Package ewf-validator-tool

  2. In the Validator Node - get the path of the following two files -

    1. keyfile - UTC--*

      1. In Parity/OpenEthereum Validator Node, the path of keyfile is -

        • $HOME/docker-stack/chain-data/keys/$CHAINNAME/UTC--* [CHAINNAME can be Volta or EnergyWeb]

    2. secret file - .secret

      1. In Parity/OpenEthereum Validator Node, the path of secret file is -

        • $HOME/docker-stack/.secret

Execution of ewf-validator-tool Using Docker

  1. Put the the value before execution:

    1. KEYFILE_PATH : path of keyfile in old validator node

    2. SECRETFILE_PATH : path of secret file in old validator node

    3. NEW_ADDRESS : Address of wallet or new node address

    4. TOKEN_AMOUNT: Amount of token to be taken out

    5. HTTPS_RPC_URL :

      1. Volta HTTPS_RPC_URL:

      2. EnergyWeb HTTPS_RPC_URL:

  2. Command to transfer token

    1. Before execute take superuser privilege - sudo -s or run docker with sudo

docker run -it -v "$KEYFILE_PATH":/keyfile -v $SECRETFILE_PATH:/keypass aznagy/ewf-validator-tool:latest transferto $NEW_ADDRESS $TOKEN_AMOUNT -r $HTTPS_RPC_URL


Here is an example

(It is Nethermind validator node, that’s why the path of keyfile and secret file are different than Parity validator node)

  1. Transfer token from Volta Validator Node to Hardware Wallet -

    1. KEYFILE_PATH : keyfile path of my Validator Node

      • /home/ubuntu/docker-stack/keystore/UTC--2020-12-21T16-47-06.412446000Z--5125254ec2e024d8226cf4c389512c43802a76a1

    2. SECRETFILE_PATH : secret file path of my Validator Node

      • /home/ubuntu/docker-stack/keystore/.secret

  2. NEW_ADDRESS : Address of my wallet 0x4933915c40477Db3a9AccA3Fa12DaA8ba5D4fD35

  3. TOKEN_AMOUNT: 0.01



Transfer Token

docker run -it -v "/home/ubuntu/docker-stack/keystore/UTC--2020-12-21T16-47-06.412446000Z--5125254ec2e024d8226cf4c389512c43802a76a1":/keyfile -v /home/ubuntu/docker-stack/keystore/.secret:/keypass aznagy/ewf-validator-tool:latest transferto 0x4933915c40477Db3a9AccA3Fa12DaA8ba5D4fD35 0.01 -r https://volta-rpc.energyweb.org1


Connected to Volta (test network)
Successful transaction!
  "blockHash": "0xbca95daf204c80a6c1cf49005128213e0adb0803942ef34fba066f0c5e23f551",
  "blockNumber": 9763320,
  "contractAddress": null,
  "cumulativeGasUsed": 21000,
  "from": "0x5125254Ec2E024D8226cf4c389512c43802a76A1",
  "gasUsed": 21000,
  "logs": [],
  "logsBloom": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "status": true,
  "to": "0x4933915c40477Db3a9AccA3Fa12DaA8ba5D4fD35",
  "transactionHash": "0xef7fd88dff637b5528fd706500f855077eb8e88a29a2a0738e394d1459f56542",
  "transactionIndex": 0

Check in the Explorer

  1. URL_Token_out => [Address of Old Validator Node] 0x5125254Ec2E024D8226cf4c389512c43802a76A1

  1. URL Token_In => [Address of wallet] 0x4933915c40477Db3a9AccA3Fa12DaA8ba5D4fD35

Check with validator-tool command: payout check and payout changeto

  1. payout check command

docker run -it -v "$KEYFILE_PATH":/keyfile -v $SECRETFILE_PATH:/keypass aznagy/ewf-validator-tool:latest payout check $OLD_NODE_ADDRESS -r $HTTPS_RPC_URL1


docker run -it -v "/home/ubuntu/docker-stack/keystore/UTC--2020-12-21T16-47-06.412446000Z--5125254ec2e024d8226cf4c389512c43802a76a1":/keyfile -v /home/ubuntu/docker-stack/keystore/.secret:/keypass aznagy/ewf-validator-tool:latest payout check 0x5125254Ec2E024D8226cf4c389512c43802a76A1 0.01 -r https://volta-rpc.energyweb.org1


Connected to Volta (test network) 
Successful call! Payout address of 0x5125254Ec2E024D8226cf4c389512c43802a76A1 is: 0x4933915c40477Db3a9AccA3Fa12DaA8ba5D4fD35

2. payout changeto command

docker run -it -v "$KEYFILE_PATH":/keyfile -v $SECRETFILE_PATH:/keypass aznagy/ewf-validator-tool:latest payout changeto $NEW_ADDRESS -r $HTTPS_RPC_URL


docker run -it -v "/home/ubuntu/docker-stack/keystore/UTC--2020-12-21T16-47-06.412446000Z--5125254ec2e024d8226cf4c389512c43802a76a1":/keyfile -v /home/ubuntu/docker-stack/keystore/.secret:/keypass aznagy/ewf-validator-tool:latest payout changeto 0x4933915c40477Db3a9AccA3Fa12DaA8ba5D4fD35 -r


Connected to Volta (test network)
Change of payout address successful!
  "blockHash": "0xef89937584dcc102a3684431a9b46112b617b5d3a4d362e7e9eb4d90e4d6db32",
  "blockNumber": 9763698,
  "contractAddress": null,
  "cumulativeGasUsed": 23494,
  "from": "0x5125254Ec2E024D8226cf4c389512c43802a76A1",
  "gasUsed": 23494,
  "logsBloom": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "status": true,
  "to": "0x1204700000000000000000000000000000000002",
  "transactionHash": "0xd5206399f5a0b6227975720408af216abf4d090abc11e1753885eabfe5e55362",
  "transactionIndex": 0,
  "events": {}

Run Validator Tool using npm package

If you want to execute validator tool on host machine or local machine without using docker, follow the following process.


  1. Install node and npm

    • nodejs v8 or higher and LTS (recommended)

    • npm comes with nodejs installation.

    • check nodejs and npm version

      • node -v

      • npm -v

  2. Install ewf-validator-tool NPM Package on machine

    • npm install -g ewf-validator-tool

    • Check validator-tool is installed

validatortool --version 21.0.3

Execution of ewf-validator-tool

  1. From the old (original) Validator Node - get the path or grab the value of the following two files - [If you want to run it on your local machine, just to collect the value of keyfile and .secret file.]

    1. keyfile - UTC--*

    2. In Parity/OpenEthereum Validator Node, the path of keyfile is -

      • $HOME/docker-stack/chain-data/keys/$CHAINNAME/UTC--* [CHAINNAME can be Volta or EnergyWeb]

    3. secret file - .secret

      1. In Parity/OpenEthereum Validator Node, the path of secret file is -

        • $HOME/docker-stack/.secret


  2. Command

    1. Transfer Token

      1. You can directly give the path of the keyfile and .secret file Or

      2. the keyfile value is stored in UTC-keyfile and value of .secret is stored in Secretfile

validatortool transferto $NEW_ADDRESS -k "$PATH_OF_KEY_FILE" 0.05 -s $PATH_OF_SECRETFILE -r $HTTPS_RPC_URL


validatortool transferto 0x4933915c40477Db3a9AccA3Fa12DaA8ba5D4fD35 -k "$HOME/docker-stack/chain-data/keys/$CHAINNAME/UTC--*" 0.05 -s $HOME/docker-stack/.secret -r


validatortool transferto 0x4933915c40477Db3a9AccA3Fa12DaA8ba5D4fD35 -k "UTC-keyfile" 0.05 -s Secretfile -r

b. payout check command

validatortool payout check $OLD_VALIDATOR_NODE -r $HTTPS_RPC_URL


validatortool payout check 0x5125254Ec2E024D8226cf4c389512c43802a76A1 -r

c. payout changeto command

validatortool payout changeto $NEW_ADDRESS -r $HTTPS_RPC_URL


validatortool payout changeto $0x4933915c40477Db3a9AccA3Fa12DaA8ba5D4fD35 -r

You should get similar output if you run the validator-tool using docker. To get a glimpse of output, please check the above section.

Last updated